
It’s a new year, and we all know what happens when a new year begins. Yep, some of us start thinking about new year resolutions. Are you in that camp?

I’m not big on new year resolutions especially when they restrict me from something I enjoy (eating chocolate everyday!), or take something on that I really, in my heart of hearts, don’t want to do. Either one of those and the rebellious girl in me suddenly appears, jabs a stake in the ground, and  doesn’t want to budge an inch.

So I like taking on a resolutions that I’m excited about…resolutions that helps me grow personally and/or professionally is my kind of new year resolution. I’m not asking for a new me and I don’t think you should ask for a new you either. I’m just wanting to explore and express a new version of myself. How about you? Are you with me?

It’s a new year. Is it time for a new version of you?

If you’re answer is yes, check out the recent Vlog, download the worksheet,  so that you can get right to it, and get ready for a deep dive!


Now, it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you.  Your insights and inspiration are appreciated so please share your stories in the comments below.

If you have a question also post it in the comment section below.  I check it daily. Since the topic is always about fashion or style no question that you ask will be “off Topic.”

That means as far as I’m concerned, when you ask a question that is the topic. Everyone else who’s reading it can follow up on my answer. There will be no questions that you ask that will be too far off topic because your question will be the current topic. So…ask away!

Oh…and your email address is not “required” even though it says so.  Don’t even ask.

