Closet Confessions

Confession time; When I started this newsletter, I thought of it as an idea to help my clients when they thought of things long after I was gone that they wanted answers to, about style. I figured it was going to be work but that it would help my business in the long run. 

But my newsletter is now going out to hundreds more people than I’ve actually placed my services with. That is because I have a website that opens up the possibility of non clients to receiving my newsletter.

So, now as a result I get many many e-mails every day from people who have questions about style but also suggestions on how to better clean, repair, preserve, recycle, and even hang garments. I like them and sometimes I use them. I’m just surprised how many people suggest that if I do use them, not to use their name. I’m just as surprised by how many people who write in to just talk, not about clothes or style, just things that have happened to them in their lives.

But there is one question that I receive more than any other. And that is essentially, “What is my goal when I want to go about hiring a stylist?” What I take that to mean is, or better, what I think they mean when they say that is, “I want to change or improve the way I look, or the way I feel about how I look in my clothes” (If I am wrong, please don’t hesitate to email me and let me know.).

I can understand that state of perplexity because that exact same sentence popped into my mind when I thought about hiring someone to redesign my website. I’ve been wrestling with the idea of changing my website for a few months now. And I’m constantly asking myself, “What is my goal? What do I want to get from my website?”

I’m a girl and talking to girls, and I know there are some guys here too, but we girls like to dish and to know what’s happening in the lives of others. So ladies, I appreciate your suggestions and I’m really enjoying you sharing your intimate moments with me. However, I would like to know if you would mind if I shared some of them with those who are reading my newsletter? I will redact as you suggest and I won’t use your name if you don’t want me to. 

Yes, my newsletter is about style, but frankly ladies, some of the things you’ve told me would change what I have suggested you wear. And this is a newsletter, about style. 

My normal ending is that I usually have more to say on my blog, but unless I get an OK, that won’t be true today. Please keep those questions and suggestions coming in. As you know the next newsletter will be sent two weeks from now. In that newsletter I will answer Stacy’s style question. 

Although it is not a style question, I would also like to address yours, Lily, because it’s an experience that most of use could benefit from. You have about two weeks to decide. Looking forward to hearing from you either way. 

Now, it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you.  Your insights and inspiration are appreciated so please share your stories in the comments below.

Blog me.

