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Use The Power Of Color To Calm Yourself

Yes, I realize that 2016 is almost over but after this week’s presidential election, where we have certainly showed that we are a country divided, in need of coming together, I thought it would be apropos to talk about the blending of color and the effect it can have on our psyche.

Feeling overwhelmed when you shop?

Bring your printed out shopping plan and stick to it. Keep your focus. Don’t be swayed by all the shiny objects vying for your attention. Be ruthless and follow your shopping list, starting with one thing at a time with your top priority. If you shop according to your plan you’re more likely to meet your wardrobe goals and budget.

My Pick Of Worthwhile Trends For Fall 2016

Because if the trend doesn't feel right for you, please don't buy it for fashion sake. As I've said time and time again, don't go out and buy any trend just because it's trending in the fashion world. Buy a trend because it feels like you…it suits your Personality and how you want to express yourself to the world that is always looking.

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