Like most of us girls, I spent my entire life shopping without any rhyme or reason other than I loved fashion. I’d go shopping with my girlfriends and buy what I wanted when I could. And for the most part, it was hit or miss.
And even when I was a clothing designer for many years, I still never truly felt confident in my style. Oh, the time and money I wasted, not to mention the frustration I felt because I was so confused and insecure about my style.
Believe it or not it wasn’t until I became a certified wardrobe consultant that I realized just how much I didn’t know about style, and how to dress my best in the body that I had.
After working with hundreds of women on their style, I learned firsthand why not knowing your Body-Type is disastrous when it comes to creating your killer style.
3 BIG Reasons.
Not knowing the type of body you have can create chaos in your closet and kill your confidence.
Reason #1: When you don’t know your Body-Type…you’re really dressing by default instead of by design.
Ok, let me explain. Dressing by default instead of by design means that you’re not aware of the best styles for your Body-Type. You may know what you don’t like and what you do like, but you may not know the reasons why. So most likely you’re falling back on what looks OK on you rather than knowing and choosing what looks amazing.
Because you just don’t know.
Don’t feel bad. Most women have never had their measurements taken correctly so that they can learn their particular Body-Type, and discover what looks best on their Body-Type. I’m no different than most women. I didn’t know my Body-Type until I was well into my 40’s.
That’s why I’m so hot on you knowing yours. Because I don’t want you to go one day longer not aware of the power of knowing your Body-Type.
Once you do, you are guaranteed “Aha!” moments. You’ll say things such as: “I get it! Now I know why that pair of pants in my closet doesn’t work now.” Or, “I can finally get rid of that blouse that I never felt good in because it is doing ________ to my ________!” (You fill in the blanks.)
Reason #2: When you don’t know your Body-Type…I know you’re wasting a lot of time and money.
You know when you put on something and you like it. You know when you put on something and you don’t like it. The questions is, “Do you know why you like it or why you don’t like it?”
Let’s say you’re trying on a jacket. Although it fits fine, it isn’t that flattering, but you don’t know why. Is it the color? No. You love the color. Is it the style? No, you’re thrilled with the style – it’s so cute! You saw it on Pinterest and the girl who was wearing it was rocking it! But for some reason it just isn’t doing it for you.
Frustrated, you take it off and continue to try on the other items in the dressing room.
Now you’ve got pants on. You’ve tried on at least 10 pairs, till finally you find the one that fits pretty good; you like the color, you love the styling, but you still feel that something just isn’t right. After staring at yourself in the mirror you decide the pants are doing something to your shape that you don’t like. But you can’t quite put your finger on it.
This can go on for hours because you don’t know what it is exactly that isn’t working. You question whether it’s your body or the clothing that isn’t working. You just know things aren’t fitting as best as they could and you aren’t looking as good as you think you can. Because of this, you’re not feeling good in anything you’re trying.
Frustrated again, and now desperate, you buy something because you don’t want to leave empty-handed with nothing to show for all the time you’ve just spent shopping. Sound familiar?
You head home, not totally thrilled with what you bought as you had hoped to be. It gets hung in your closet and eventually worn not because you love it, but because it’s the newest thing in there. Been there right? I know I have.
Welcome to the world of most women’s closets.Tired of wasting time and money yet?
Reason #3: When you don’t know your Body-Type…you probably take too much time in the morning to get dressed, and end up rushing out of your house feeling insecure about your outfit.
Aren’t you tired of the frustration of not knowing what styles flatter your figure best? I know you’re probably trying to solve it on your own. If I know you, you’re looking through magazines and Pinterest boards and thinking: “Do I look like her? She kinda has the same body as me, and she looks good. Maybe I can wear what she is wearing.” Or, “Am I am pear? Hmm..I think I look like a pear.”
Stop Guessing. (Click here and once and for all finally learn the type of body you have)
Looks are deceiving! Stop comparing your body to pictures of celebrities. (or fruit for that matter!) The guessing game, at best, will just leave you feeling unsure if you’ve arrived at the right conclusion.
If you’re going to guess at anything, then guess what happens next? I can tell you because I’ve seen it happen time and time again. You put on something, and step out into the world wearing an outfit that you’re just not sure about.
Talk about a confidence killer. When you’re not happy about your outfit it can put you in a bad mood…it can literally ruin your day. Just how long are you going to continue to feel this way?
Wouldn’t you rather just know?
The Takeaway: By Learning your Body-Type, you will save hours of time and frustration, and get a huge dose in the confidence department. (Yes!!)
Every designer designs with a specific Body-Type in mind. When you know the type of body you have, and you try on styles that are meant for your type of body, you have just cut your trying on time in half, not to mention saying goodbye to hours of frustration from not knowing, and the lack of confidence from wearing styles that you don’t know or feel are totally right for you.
It’s empowering to know your Body-Type. When you do, you’ll familiarize yourself with the styles that will look best on you, and you’ll only gravitate toward those styles – no more guessing. You will get to know the designers to look for in the stores so shopping becomes that much easier. Say goodbye to wasting your precious time.
The next best thing to knowing your size is to know your Body-Type. You wouldn’t ever go shopping for yourself not knowing what size to look for. And you shouldn’t go shopping when you don’t know your Body-Type either.
In fact, in my professional opinion, knowing the type of body you have is much more important than knowing what size you wear because when it comes to size, we all know from shopping, you can be one size in one designer and a totally different size in another.
The bottom line is, shopping is FUN & EASY if you know what type of body you have.
So…Keep reading . . . now that you know the 3 reasons you should know the type of body you have, don’t you think it’s time to learn your Body-Type? Of course you do! That’s why I’ve created a Body-Type Quiz where you can learn exactly what your particular Body-Type is. And the best part is, it’s free and easy.
I spent months compiling and organizing detailed stats and vital information to perfect this quiz so that when you complete it, you will have no doubt about the type of body you have.
This is what you’ll get when you complete the Body-Type Quiz:
- Your exact Body-Type;
- Your “key goal” for dressing right for your particular Body-Type, plus creating any necessary “Balance” between the top part of your body (torso) and the lower part of your body (hips and thighs);
- Additional content emailed to you from yours truly on how to best dress for the type of body you have +plus+ lots more on creating your authentic style!
Click here now sign up to take the Body-Type Quiz.
That’s it for this week. Now, it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you. Your insights and inspiration are appreciated so please share your stories in the comments below.
If you have a question also post it in the comment section below. I check it daily. Since the topic is always about fashion or style no question that you ask will be “off Topic.”
That means as far as I’m concerned, when you ask a question that is the topic. Everyone else who’s reading it can follow up on my answer. There will be no questions that you ask that will be too far off topic because your question will be the current topic. So…ask away! Oh…and your email address is not “required” even though it says so.
🙂 Don’t even ask.
Blog me.
Hey michelle,
I took your quiz a long time ago. It has really helped me shop better. Now I know why certain things work and why some don’t. It also helps when you write about different styles for different body types because I know mine. Thanks!
You are so welcome, Aziza!
Hi michelle,
I took the quiz and I am a rectangle. Your tip on creating curves is very helpful. I kept trying to make my waistline look smaller but now I know it is easier to do that by adding the details that you suggested. Thank you! I can’t wait to go shopping.
Hi, Leslie,
I’m so happy you took the quiz, know your Body-Type, and know how to shop with what you learned! Have fun shopping!
This was fun and easy. My husband helped me and he is an architect so I know that he took my measurements accurately. 🙂 Thanks! I am a Triangle. The tips you gave were very helpful. I’m looking forward to learning more.
Nancy B
Hi, Nancy,
How sweet that your husband helped you! Stay tuned for more tips in my future blogs!
I saw your ad and showed it to my wife. She has been wanting to know her body type for some time now. Thank you. Now that she knows I would like to hire you to help her with her style. I love her style but she feels frustrated with putting together outfits she feels confident in. Can you help her with that?
Thank you,
Hi, Ron,
Thanks for showing your wife my ad. I would love to help your wife with her style. Feel free to email me through my contact page: Thank you!
I jusr found this on your Facebook page. Can’t wait to take the quiz. Thanks!